# SushiRatingBar

rating clicks

A rating bar to show ratings to use, or act as an input element for user to apply rating. This is similar to Android's RatingBar, but is not based on it.

# Features

SushiRatingBar is composed of SushiTag and thus, some tag properties can be proxied into the internal tags.

Attribute Value
app:tagType capsule (default) or rounded
app:tagSize large (default), medium, small or tiny
app:rating rating value. accepts floats, between 0 to 5
app:drawableLeft @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character
app:drawableRight @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character
app:drawableStart @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character
app:drawableEnd @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character


  • If you set tagType to capsule_outline or rounded_outline that has no effect. That will behave same as capsule and rounded respectively.
  • Default drawableRight is a filled star. If you want to remove it (for eg, to set a drawableLeft instead), set app:drawableRight="@null"

# Usage

# Create in XML

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

# Functionality in Java/Kotlin

You can set the rating value (must be integer ranging from 0 to 5)

Also you can enable or disable input by setClickable

ratingBar.rating = 4

// Users can tap and set rating now

# Examples

rating drawable left

Setting drawable on left instead of right

rating arrow drawable

Setting different drawable, and changing size