# SushiTag

A tag is a compact element to show tiny text based attributes like ratings, ad or offer banners. It is similar to Chips, but isn't directly based on that.

# Features

SushiTag extends from SushiTextView so all properties of that are avaialble here

Additional attributes

Attribute Value
app:tagType rounded (default), capsule, rounded_outline or capsule_outline
app:tagSize large (default), medium, small or tiny
app:tagColor @color variable, sets background or outline color (based on type)
android:textColor Override text color (default is white for colored tags)
app:drawableLeft @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character
app:drawableRight @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character
app:drawableStart @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character
app:drawableEnd @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character


  • Font weight is medium for large tags, and regular for all other tags
  • Tiny tags have only 1dp padding around the text

# Usage

# Create in XML

    app:tagType="rounded" />

# Functionality in Java/Kotlin

// Size and type can be changed at runtime
tag.tagType = TagType.ROUNDED
tag.tagSize = TagSize.MEDIUM
tag.tagColor = Color.GREEN

// This is for example, in practice set a proper color state list
// with different colors of enabled and disabled states
tag.setTextColor = (ColorStateList.valueOf(BLUE))

# Examples

# Sizes

tag sizes

# Fill Styles and Drawables

tag styles