# SushiTextInputField

text input

Text input fields allow users to enter and edit text. It is not directly an EditText, but an extension of TextInputLayout from Material Components. It contains an TextInputEditText inside, which is exposed as editText

# Features

All XML attributes of Material TextInputLayout, like errorEnabled are supported. Also most attributes of EditText like hint, inputType are proxied into the internal EditText

Attribute Value
style @style/Widget.Sushi.TextInputField or @style/Widget.Sushi.TextInputField.Outlined
app:drawableLeft @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character
app:drawableRight @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character
app:drawableStart @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character
app:drawableEnd @drawable or @string which is treated as iconfont character
android:hint The hint inside the internal EditText
android:inputType The input type, for eg. text textPassword, date, number


For all the four drawable properties, use app:drawableLeft and never android:drawableLeft. Behaviour with drawableTop and drawableBottom is also unspecified. This view only handles horizontal drawables properly.

# Usage

# Creating in XML

You can set drawableRight or drawableLeft, either as @drawable or a @string which is font icon character

    android:hint="Recipient Name"
    app:errorEnabled="true" />

# Functionality via Java/Kotlin

Via setEdgeDrawableClickListener you can decide what happens when the drawableStart (left) or drawableEnd (right) is clicked

    object : SushiTextInputField.EdgeDrawableClickListener {
        override fun onDrawableStartClicked() {}

        override fun onDrawableEndClicked() {


You can also use setTextValidator to add a validation function that takes the current text and returns an error (or null, if no error). The validator is called every time text changes.

textFieldRecipient.setTextValidator { text ->
    "Must be at least 5 characters".takeIf {
        TextUtils.isEmpty(text) || TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(text) < 5

# Examples

# Drawable (Clear Button)


# Error Handling

